We Think You Are Awesome – Steve

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Steve enjoying his favourite pastime, fishing on the beach

Fishing, his wonderful family, and partner and being a whole-hearted Support Worker is what give Steve’s life purpose.

If Steve isn’t helping people with disability to live a good life, he enjoys spending time with his family or going fishing. He’s fished all over NSW in competitions and was even on the committee of the NSW fishing club and president of the Central Coast Association Angling clubs.

Steve’s career took a turn a few years back when he decided to step back from his supervisor role in the building industry and reach out to the disability sector. Having seen how fulfilling the work can be from his partner Janet, he hasn’t regretted shifting careers and has now been a Support Worker for 3 years.

The thing I enjoy most about supporting people with disability is every person is so different and that is a good thing!

Steve always makes sure the people he supports have an enjoyable day and he hopes that he creates memories with them that give them a positive feeling.

Having my life skills is a big part of my every day with my customers, it is something I can draw and share from. I also like to be funny and jovial with them and they know that I am always there to listen to what they want to share with me.

Though only having been in the industry for 3 years – he loves it through the ups and downs. He enjoys the strong community participation he supports his customers in. Steve also enjoys the respectful behaviours between people at Interchange and the organisation’s core values resonate heavily with him.

Respect resonates the most with me as it shows the good heart people have.

Thank you, Steve – We Think You Are Awesome!

Our awesome staff bring passion and commitment to their vital roles. We think they are amazing – but the best feedback is always the one coming directly from you.

Would you like to acknowledge your Interchange support staff for the great work they do? It’s easy – just nominate them for our iThink You Are Awesome Award HERE or write us an email to hello@interchangewa.org.au


Do you want to make a difference? Join us in our mission to support people with disability to live a good life!